Indian alcoholism program evaluation fiscal year 1984 national report.


This study examined the various tribally-controlled alcoholism programs. The programs provide treatment and prevention services for alcoholism among American Indians, Alaskan Natives and Native Hawaiians living in the United States. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the appropriateness, adequacy, effectiveness, and efficiency of alcoholism treatment and prevention services provided to Native American clients by Indian alcoholism programs under contract with the Indian Health Service (IHS). The scope of the study included evaluations of 151 of the 189 Indian programs funded by IHS. All areas except Alaska were represented in the evaluation. The Indian alcoholism programs were evaluated in a systematic, objective manner. Data collection procedures included use of an evaluation instrument developed by the contractor under the advice of IHS. Sampling procedures included the random selection of 30 client records from program files. The evaluation was scored on the basis of evidence in the client record. This process was used to provide an objective means of determining the extent of services provided by the program and to limit as much as possible evaluator bias. A narrative style was used to explain and summarize data. This evaluation showed that the programs were providing less than two-thirds of the specified services to clients. The results also indicate that delivery of the services was positively related to effectiveness measures. The overall program adequacy, in terms of program level conditions and operating procedures was adequate. The results of the analysis indicated that programs tended to perform better when there were fewer components. This evaluation recommended that the overall percentage of specified direct services provided to clients could be raised through improved contracting procedures. Also, a standard contract requirement for monthly reports on program conditions and operations is needed. Also, after care components need to be reviewed carefully.