The IHS scholarship program
Title I of the 1976 Indian Health Care Improvement Act (IHCIA), which has since been modified, provides for increasing the number of Indians entering the health professions and to assure an adequate supply of those health professionals involved in caring for the Indian people. Section 103 of Title I offers scholarships for preprofessional education or for curricula leading to a health professions degree program. Section 104 scholarships are for Indians who have been accepted into a health professions degree program; recipients of section 104 scholarships must perform a service obligation. Section 102 authorizes the Health Professions recruitment Program for Indians. Section 106 authorizes IHS to recruit and retain IHS health professionals by paying for related professional enhancement. Section 108 provides for the IHS payment of student loans owed by those who contract to work for the IHS. Under section 110, tribes and tribal and Indian organizations are award grants to recruit, place and retain health professionals. Section 112 offers funding to support the education of nurses, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. Section 114 authorizes the IHS to provide that at least three colleges and universities expand the "Indians into Medicine Program." Section 120 provides funding for tribes and tribal organization for the purpose of encouraging Indians to serve as health professionals in Indian communities. Section 217 authorizes the IHS to provide grants to at least three colleges and universities for the purpose of developing and maintaining American Indian psychology recruitment programs. Statistics regarding the recipients of these funds are included.