Violence and violence prevention.


The data on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) suicide and homicide indicate that violence is a particular threat to AI/AN populations. This article identifies the need and current resources available to assist the development and implementation of violence intervention and prevention efforts. While few in number, resources for assistance have grown in recent years through federal and private foundation funding for violence prevention programs. This article provides information on two of the available AI/AN resources as well as information about what one tribe is doing to combat violence. Information is provided on the following resources: 1) American Indian/Alaska Native Community Suicide Prevention Center and Network; 2) Family Violence Prevention Coordinator and Child Abuse Prevention Coordinator, Indian Health Service, Headquarters West; and 3) Violence Prevention Programs funded by the Indian Health Service. To be effective, evidence indicates that violence intervention and prevention efforts must be consistent over time, while demonstrating flexibility as community conditions shift and change.