Varieties Of Tuberculosis According To Race And Social Condition


Three different types of tuberculosis - miliary, bronchopneumonic, and fibroid - are recognized only because of their symptoms. Indians [tribes not named] are susceptible to all types of tuberculosis because of unsanitary habits acquired through contact with the white man. Tuberculosis is responsible for 95% of the deaths of Mohaves, very prevalent among the Hopis and Navajos and is the greatest cause of death of their children. TB has gained a strong hold among the Apaches and caused 66% of deaths of Pimas and Maricopas. Among the Havasupai and Walapai TB is responsible for 75% of deaths, but among the Pueblos, it is rare. A small number of Zunis have died from TB. Sixty-seven percent of Blackfoot deaths in 1905 was from TB; most deaths among the Sioux are from TB, followed by the effects of alcoholism and unsanitary living conditions. Half the population of an Indian village can be destroyed by measles, whooping cough, or influenza.

Location Description: 

Alaska AK; Arizona AZ; California CA; Idaho ID; Montana MT; Nebraska NE; Oregon OR; South Dakota SD; Washington WA