Sanitary Conditions In Alaska, Including A Report By H E Hasseltine


Unsanitary conditions exist in all of Alaska. Consequently, preventable diseases such as tuberculosis, trachoma, and syphilis exist. Twenty percent of Eskimo/natives in the northern portion of the territory to 38-50% in the southwestern and southeastern parts have TB. Dr. Hasseltine's report, here included, is a result of his accompanying the revenue cutter Rush on its last Alaska cruise. Hasseltine observed the occupants from April 8, 1910-March 20, 1911 and found unsanitary conditions, poliomyelitis, TB and syphilis. Many individuals in SE Alaska, according to Hasseltine, suffered from eye diseases, syphilitic keratitis, corneal opacities, cataract and pannus following trachoma. In SW Alaska, the health of the people was not good, but Hasseltine had more hope for improvement there than any other place. The prevailing ailments were TB, trachoma, and venereal diseases. Sanitation was lacking everywhere. The laws of Alaska lack provisions that aim to improve the public health. Copy taken from microfilm.

Location Description: 

Alaska AK