The Western Apache:Some Anthropometric Observations


Records of height, weight, head length, and head and face breadth of 626 Fort Apache Reservation Indians from 1-65 years of age were made. Although significant differences in serological gene frequencies have been shown to exist among the 3 Apache bands, an analysis of both variances and means fails to reflect these differences anthropometrically. Five measurements easily separate representatives of the 3 major racial stocks (Apache, Congo Negro, and Irish) but fail to distinguish biological affinities among populations drawn from a single racial stock (Mongoloid). In terms of growth, however, Apache children as early as 6 years of age are differentiated from Negro and White children in much the same way as are the adult members of these groups. Otherwise there appears to be no differences among the three stocks in growth rates or patterns between the ages of 6-14. Tables. Line graphs. Bibliography.