Nutritive Value Of Diets In Indian Boarding Schools In The Dakotas: Observations On Growth And Development Of Adolescent Sioux Indian Girls.


Information was obtained on the food intake of children of both sexes of three age groups: 7-8, 9-11, 12-14 in 8 boarding schools, 4 of which were government schools and 4 mission schools. Diets of 7-8 year old children approximated, equaled, or exceeded the 1958 recommended dietary allowances for all nutrients except ascorbic acid, which was frequently below the recommended level in some of the mission schools and to a lesser extent in some government schools. Failure to meet recommendations for other nutrients were encountered most frequently in diets of the 12-14 year old girls. Mean heights of the 12-14 year old girls fell within the "short" classification, but mean weights were close to average. Age at menarche was similar to that of non-Indian girls, most frequently occurring at about 13. Tables. Bibliography.